Author Archives for Jim Riley

About Jim Riley

James Riley is the owner/operator of Riley's Farm in Oak Glen, California and a senior partner in Colony Bay Productions. The father of six children, Riley performs "Patrick Henry" and supervises a living history program visited by hundreds of thousands of school children. He holds a degree in history from Stanford University.

Making Their Mark: Kids, Gratitude, & Ink Stains

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Kids write the funniest, sweetest things... especially when the past comes to life all around them! Living history inspires and empowers young rebels and patriots to take up their mighty pen and make a mark. Their efforts yield treasure in the form of hilarious, heart-warming, and inspiring notes.

Sweet Redemption: Apple Pie in the Last Act

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I have a beautiful, embarrassing confession to make. When I was 13, I single-handedly ruined my school’s production of Charlotte’s Web. Chances are you’ve secretly helped me atone for it, and I wanted to say thanks by sharing this survival story (and some advice to help you win that five pound apple pie when you attend the new Sherlock Holmes murder mystery dinner). Improvising and interacting with you on the farm has given me lots of unique little chances to atone for that rough show all those years ago, and to learn about improvisation as survival. The show must go on!