Fan Mail..

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On Monsanto BAD, Pfizer GOOD..

“You have always been a favorite of ours, but now, more than ever. Your message about how hypocritical it is for consumers to demand pure products, but then inject themselves with these experimental vaccines, is SPOT ON! Thank you! My family will be there soon- mask free.”

“You certainly Walk the Walk, and Talk the Talk!  Praying for you everyday. Enjoyed your Monsanto Bad article. My birthday celebration at Riley’s Farm did not disappoint, in fact I have been sharing my experience with everyone I can! Thank you for a splendid day, berry picking and ax throwing. ‘An old girl’s dream-come true!’ Maybe it will become a tradition every June.”

On “Disturbing New Warning..

“Jim, I cannot thank you enough for all you are doing on behalf of our nation’s future. A a teacher, I am enraged that our children are being used as tools in this Marxist scheme, and I will not perpetuate this outrageous myth. I stand ready to fight, alongside parents, and any other teachers who may be interested. Thank you again, for this interesting and informative article, and all that you do.”

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This post was written by Jim Riley

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