An Appeal From Jim Riley
Help Riley’s Farm MAKE History
Over the last three years, I ‘ve been called an “extremist, misogynistic, hateful racist” because I ridiculed Louis Farrakhan and Stormy Daniels. My opinions are shared by MILLIONS of Americans, but a school teacher in Corona, California came to believe that no public school should ever visit Riley’s Farm because of my political sentiments, expressed on my own time.
Even if you think Stormy Daniels is Joan of Arc, you should be worried about First Amendment retaliation by public agencies. It could come for you. Political winds shift. Even as a business owner, when I found out one of my employees was a Marxist, I didn’t fire her. I hate Marxism with every fiber of my being, but no one appointed me guardian of her conscience.
Will you stand with me? It looks like, if I keep asking for legal funds, I can raise about $1,000 every 12 hours. I want to go faster than that. It scares the opposition. The more money I raise, the more it frightens the people who want to make sure you can’t speak your mind.
The state of the case: We believe we have a chance to make Claremont’s legal bill VERY expensive. We also believe that we have a chance to make a strong case for limiting “qualified immunity” at the Supreme Court. The Ninth Circuit Court has declared there is strong evidence our rights were violated, and if we carry that argument at the district court, we believe school boards all across the country will think twice before indulging the tantrums of social justice warriors. (Did you know that only ONE Claremont parent complained about us, and her child wasn’t even attending one of our field trips?)
Praying you can get this message to the right friends,
Jim Riley
Categorised in: Blacklisted
This post was written by Jim Riley
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