Reflections of a Free Speech Warrior..
23 CommentsWhy haven’t you resigned?
My views, and my values, are shared by MILLIONS of Americans, but when I criticized that evil racist, Louis Farrakhan, (“Satanic Jews have infected the whole world with poison and deceit”) one public school teacher called our reservation office and wondered, out loud, why I hadn’t resigned. He simply couldn’t believe I was still attempting to make a living, to feed myself, when I had double-bad, very-icky, non-progressive opinions about a black man who happened to be a racist. If Louis Farrakhan isn’t a black supremacist, then no one is, and merely pointing that out, and the danger it represents, earns you, in some quarters, “untouchable” status.
Likewise, anyone who mocked Senator Kirsten Gillibrand–the hypocrite who defended Bill Clinton’s debaucheries but suddenly found her moral compass when Al Franken and Donald Trump came along–just had to be a misogynist, right? Surely, someone like that doesn’t deserve a job — a living — anywhere. Right?
Conservatives, like me, may disagree with you, but we understand that you need to work for a living. You need a bank account. You need a home, a way to put food on the table. We may boycott your institution, as individuals, but we don’t lobby the government — and its massive police power — to take the food out of your children’s mouths.
The totalitarian nature of progressive fundamentalism, the cult-like zeal of progressive orthodoxy, seems to be something we both acknowledge and assume too fortified to dismantle. We need to remember these poor people are locked in an evil cult. They can’t think. They can’t reason. Telling them obvious truths (“men shouldn’t compete in women’s sports”) is something like the secular-humanist equivalent of guzzling bourbon, and farting loudly, at a Bill Gothard purity conference.
“Resign!” they shout. “Apostate! Denier! Jail! Death!”
Critical thinking isn’t their thing. We know that. But we treat them as though they are mentally impaired people who deserve respect by virtue of their authority positions.
No more. Stop that. Speak up. Risk your employment. Risk the ill-will of your children and family.
Can anyone be safe around someone who disagrees?
Early on in our federal lawsuit, one school district demanded — as a condition of their returning to our farm’s living history field trips — that..
- We modify our Gold Rush Adventure (designed for ten year olds) to prominently feature gay and transgender participants in the California gold rush era.
- I, Jim Riley, never show my face around their students — on my own farm, in the vicinity of my own home — on the theory that someone who had publicly claimed there are only two genders would be dangerous around school children.
Since then, I’m happy to report that several teachers from this district booked field trips with us, defying the weirdos within their administration. When this legal “compromise” was originally proposed to me, I told our attorney to inform opposing counsel what to do with himself, and I explicitly demanded he use language I won’t repeat here. They actually had the brass to repeat this demand, and I called their bluff again, getting as salty as Old Testament Ezekiel in the process . That school district was never named in any of our legal actions, because individual teachers, and parents, acted on their own and returned to the farm in defiance of some very creepy people who seem to be running their shop.
What I can’t understand..
If a friend approached me and tried to make the argument that a biological male should be able to compete in basketball as a girl, and we just have to accept his injuring so many of the opposing team they have to forfeit, and we have to do this so he won’t feel all despondent, and unloved, and prone to suicide, well, I suppose I would conclude my friend was making an extremely bizarre argument, but I would not..
- demand my friend lose his public-sector job
- demand all decent people shun him until he attended re-education camp.
I would probably just tell my friend he was being silly and irrational. He was unaware that his extreme empathy for gender-confused people meant that someone’s daughter might suffer a head injury, and that this was empathy we simply can’t endure as a culture, without paying too high a price for indulging a delusion.
If that didn’t work, I would resort to ridicule and mockery, and — believe me — those are very powerful tools. The left uses them regularly, but we’re mostly church people and we forget that Jesus, the Son of God, used ridicule quite regularly, you “blind guides.”
Nothing to fear, but fear itself
When the average citizen of “majority culture” (white, male, heterosexual, Christian, happily married), is accused of not being “sensitive” to some lament of the “disenfranchised,” they tend to make utter fools of themselves. Here’s a timeline of what happened when the poor, timid teachers and administrators at Claremont Unified School District faced a single parent demanding their schools boycott Riley’s Farm. They caved. They forgot “innocent until proven guilty.” They ignored our 20 year relationship and our friendship. They bowed and scraped to please an entitled chest-feeder who never lived under Jim Crow or slavery. They did what countless celebrities and government officials did upon hearing Jussie Smollett’s bogus story of racial hatred. They let someone use the race card, even though the credit limit ran out decades ago.
Be a David
A single voice can enliven an entire crowd full of cowards. YOU can be that voice. When someone defends gay porn in your children’s public school library, don’t be afraid to call the people who do that pedophiles. Get nasty, not for the sake of being nasty, but for the sake of the truth– and your children.
Our enemy isn’t nearly as dangerous as our silence.
Get loud.
Tags: Claremont, First Amendment, Free Speech, Race CardCategorised in: Blacklist, Blacklisted
This post was written by Jim Riley
I love you Mr. Riley. I have been a volunteer with Citizens for Free Speech (based in Mesa, Arizona) since 2020. I took some hits as well during the past few years, as most moral people did. Well done and BRAVO. I can’t wait to finally visit your farm tonight! Thank you for standing up with your eloquence for all of us.
Well, thank you!
I’ll be happy to visit Riley’s ANYDAY!!
(Especially for that delicious chicken pot pie!!)
Mr. Riley I respect you for standing up and saying what many people are afraid to say. I completely agree with you. I will never go along to get along. We must always speak the truth and defend it for the sake of our children and our country.
Thank you!
Thank you for standing up for our children and the future of our country God Bless you and your family ☝️
Thank you, Marina.
Mr. Riley, Thank you and I believe you speak for millions of us who feel the same way. But shame on us for not speaking as loudly as you have. This insanity has got to stop. It’s destroying our country and most importantly our beautiful children. I am so glad your farm is there to teach these children about our country and its values. After reading this I am on my way to your farm! Godspeed.
Thank you!
Mr. Riley, while college and law school were a long time ago and I am not certain how well I could have pulled it off there was a time in my life that I would have loved to have joined your cast by having John Jay, John Adams or Alexander Hamilton (or some no name that had clerked for one of these three) come down from the north to visit Patrick Henry in Virginia to discuss the convention in Philadelphia or other issues of that time. But I have just bought tickets for a table so we can join you for Christmas in the Colonies. See you then, your Hemet lawyer friend
Happy that my four-year old grandson’s preschool class is visiting your farm today. Keep up the great work!
Thank you, Kathleen!
How sad, I have never been able to visit Riley’s Farm in all these years as we typically go on Sunday but now that we will be heading over on a Saturday I wanted to finally visit Riley’s but then I learned about this. This is like reading some old man’s Facebook posts. No accountability no remorse in the event that you have offended customers. Do you not see how your rhetoric may offended others? And if you have no remorse no issue with that, then I guess I’ll never visit Riley’s farm.
Riley’s Farm customers are intellectually curious, patriotic, and open-minded. You won’t be missed.
Anyone who can read about 6’4″ male athletes beating up girls in competitive sports and consign my lament to the mere rantings of an old man is a hateful ageist — and a moron.
So now you are calling people morons? How distasteful and quite sad. I would expect better from a family owned business. But you have proven what you think of others who just doesn’t think like you. No tolerance for others. You think I’m not intellectual cuz I don’t share the same views? You think I’m unpatriotic based on what? You think I’m not open minded? I accept many people as they come, however it doesn’t seem like you do… the way you speak to others shows little disregard as to how Riley’s Farms think of its customers and the public. Very sad you chose to operate this way. A little reflection and tolerance and knowing how to regulate one’s own feelings is more patriotic then what you describe as being patriotic.
There’s always a pattern..
Someone like you takes extreme exception to rational, sound political and cultural opinions like mine. (Example: mentally ill 6’4 men should not be allowed to compete in sports against women and break their skulls. This is such an obvious truth that, yes, anyone who disagrees is indeed a moron.) You find this direct, truthful language offensive and you call someone like me a “ranting old man,” and then you expect me to be courteous, civil, and welcoming? It doesn’t work that way. You receive the sort of response you deserve.
Look, I love your farm, and I met you in person years ago. And I won’t stop coming to the farm because I disagree with you. I also don’t agree with this “cancel culture” that’s going on.
That said, who are you to just proclaim someone is mentally ill? I can agree that biological males have an extreme advantage over biological females in sports and believe allowing them to compete as biological females isn’t fair.
But that’s it. That’s the logical argument. You don’t need to take it farther than that and proclaim it’s wrong because these people are “mentally ill.”
You’re not a doctor (and even if you were, experts disagree about a LOT of things). You realize that some people think that YOU are mentally ill, right? I am not saying that. Because I have no right to say that about you.
You don’t need to insult human beings simply because you don’t like how they live their lives. It devalues your logical arguments.
Thanks for a measured response. We appreciate people who can remain in our farm “family” without feeling the need to agree with us on everything. Disagreement, well explored, leads to truth. With respect to fully developed males feeling the desire to compete against biological females, while absurdly pretending to be female, and then actually injuring them, and not feeling any remorse about the price tag attached to their identity crisis, I think “mentally ill” or “evil” are perfectly appropriate terms to describe their condition. If someone regards me as mentally ill for coming to that conclusion, I would regard that as a compliment.
Thank you for standing up for what is true and morally right.
I love Riley Farm. I was very impressed when I chaparoned my son’s 5th grade class on the Revolutionary War. I learned, too.
Thank you for standing up for Critical thinking, free speech, and protecting our children.
I like that you pointed out that Jesus used ridicule. I tell people that Jesus was merciful. Jesus was not tolerant. Ex. Your sins are forgiven, go and sin no more. On the other hand, tolerant parents raise monsters.
Keep fighting for TRURH.
Thank you, Linda!
Thank you, Mr. Riley! I am bringing my three grandsons, aged 7, 10, and 11, to Riley’s Farm for the Revolutionary War Adventure on a February Saturday. I love everything that you stand for, and I stand along with you. This world has gone upside down, and it’s important to know that we fought for our American freedom by standing tall.
Thank you!