Down to the Wire

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Just a few hours left to save on  2022 events..

While we’re mostly about making a modest living in the country, our costs are rising in this era of mindless lock-downs, so, as of this writing you have about 12 hours left to save on next year’s events by avoiding the price increase.  (In truth, I probably won’t get around to upping the ticket price until Monday, but still..)


Revolutionary Evenings (January through July) ◆ Details  ◆ Tickets
Valentines  (Three Dates) ◆ Details  ◆ Tickets
Finnegan’s Wake (March)  ◆ Details  ◆ Tickets
Big Band Night (April & September)  ◆ Details  ◆ Tickets
Mother’s Day ◆ Details  ◆ Tickets
Father’s Day ◆ Details  ◆ Tickets
Sleepy Hollow ◆ Details Tickets

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This post was written by Jim Riley

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