Valley Forge Encampment January 22, 2022
Valley Forge Encampment
January 22, 2022 10 AM – 4 PM
Free to Visit
Enlistment Ticket $10 Online, $15 On Site
There is no charge to walk through and visit the encampment in the Colonial Chesterfield area of the farm. Guests who wish to participate in the activities can purchase an “Enlistment Ticket” here, which includes..
Marching and Drill – Recruits will be issued a wooden practice musket receive instruction on how to march and drill as a Continental soldier from General Baron von Steuban
Scouting and Intelligence – Become a member of the Culper Ring and learn about codes, cyphers, and other methods of spycraft and intelligence gathering
Provisions and Supply – Report to the Company Mess to learn about the rations issued to soldiers at Valley Forge and how the army was fed. Sample an authentic army biscuit if you dare!
Tomahawk Throwing – Learn about the preferred close combat weapon of the Native Tribes and famed Morgan’s Rifles, and the art of throwing at a target.
Archery – A valuable skill on the frontier where sometimes powder can be scarce, master the tool of both hunter and Native warrior.
Munitions and Ordinance – Report to the forge and learn how musket balls are cast. Learn to make a proper musket cartridge.