Civil War Re-enactment

2025 Dates To Be Announced

10 AM – 4 PM
$10 Online, $15 On Site

Purchase Tickets


“In the beauty of the lilies Christ was born across the sea,

With a glory in His bosom that transfigures you and me.

As He died to make men holy, let us die to make men free,

While God is marching on.” – Julia Ward Howe

This event is a great opportunity for families and individuals to experience a a taste of one of the greatest and most terrible conflicts in human history. This event features artillery demonstrations, fifes and drums, infantry battles, and much more!


Matthew 12:25


Example Itinerary

10:00 am – Event Begins
10:30 am – Drilling
11:00 am – Artillery Demonstration

11:30 am – Mountain Fifes and Drums
12:00 pm – Battle
1:00 pm – U.S. Colored Troops: African – Americans Fighting for Freedom and Equality

1:15 pm – Baseball

2:00 pm – Mountain Fifes and Drums

2:30 pm — Battle

3:00 pm – Dr. Malarkey’s Field Hospital

3:30 pm — Fastest Gun Contest
4:00 pm – Event Ends

Ongoing Attractions



Candle Dipping

Live Music

Civil War Camp Life
