Love Your Enemy..
5 Comments..even if they died two hundred years ago
In life, among friends and acquaintances, we are trained to take the good with the bad — not because we wouldn’t prefer being surrounded by angels, but because only a moron would expect to be.
Years ago, my toddler-daughter ran across the room and bit her grandfather in the leg. She was just learning how to use her teeth, and she didn’t know any better, but she experienced the impact of involuntary muscle reflex, pronto. Grandfather howled, knocked the little girl down, (without meaning too, of course), and we spent the next few minutes drying tears and pursuing a “teaching moment.” Apologies were encouraged. Forgiveness was extended. Life goes on.
Not only do we hurt each other all of our lives, we expect to both cause and endure each other’s injuries. We live and let live. We agree to disagree. We apologize and we seek apologies, and most of us plow right on, unless the behavior is so toxic we send the offender outside the camp for good. (No one really expects a spouse to endure physical abuse or a family to abide the presence of a violent criminal, just because they happen to be kin. Eventually, even morally fluid Hollywood luminaries shun and scold the Harvey Weinsteins of this world.)
Still, the broader pattern in our lives — tolerance for our loved ones’ failures — is born of a Christian virtue that is imperfectly sought but that bears substantial fruit even if only partially realized: love your enemies. It is also tempered by a Christian insight into our character that all true realists understand: we aren’t “good” by nature. We are spiteful little brats who have to be taught how to share, take turns, and play nice.
This virtue, and this insight, seems to be in shorter and shorter supply. Young people want to be protected from both the ideas that impinge on their “safe space” and even from the people who articulate those ideas. We don’t accept the good with the bad anymore. “Christian” counselors tell their patients to “seek distance” instead of reconciliation. “Toxic” people are removed from our lives, to the high praise of all the girls on the pep squad–and it really is just about that adolescent. The further our culture moves from scripture, the more peevish and childish we all become.
Jefferson Removed
Predictably, given the current climate, our relationship to the great titans of history lacks nuance. There was a time when you could admire the military genius of Robert E. Lee or the raw courage of Stonewall Jackson, without endorsing their cause. We once extended charity to former enemies. The iconography of colonial America — with maps, and official documents displaying noble depictions of Native Americans — reflected this tolerance. Eighteenth century Americans recognized the bloody sting of Indian brutality without losing appreciation for their bravery, strength and simplicity. It was a broad reflection of what a Christian age expects of us as individuals: tolerate each other. Balance the measure of your neighbor’s vice with a measure of his virtue.
It is such a painfully obvious expectation that the spectacle of New Yorkers removing a statue of Thomas Jefferson strikes me as a carnival of drooling dunces. Their sanctimony in the matter only makes it worse. Erin Thomas, a professor at John Jay College of Criminal Justice, reminds us that the man who wrote the words “all men are created equal” also owned “600 of his fellow humans.”
You mean a noble ideal was not fully achieved? The great men of the past did not live up to our current understanding of social justice??
The irony here. Stunning. Why have we waited so long to claim our moral superiority?
Is it fair to ask the question: do some historical figures deserve extraction from our memorial halls and statuary gardens? Well, yes. I would argue that no one needs three-story murals of chairman Mao, and Seattle doesn’t need that idiotic Lenin statue, but we are talking about evil on such a colossal scale that fair-minded people can’t find any balancing virtue at all. Mao, Hitler, Stalin, and Lenin killed innocent people in the tens of millions. They broke eggs without serving up any omelets. There is literally no good at all to be found in either the men, or their record. Were it not for the antiquity value, I would grind all Nero statues to dust. The man killed his own mother and castrated a boy so as to “marry” him. Some historical figures don’t deserve a memorial toilet, much less a statue.
But are we really saying the same thing about Jefferson, Washington, and Andrew Jackson? All of these men owned slaves at a time when the entire world accommodated slavery–as it had for millennia. The seeds of abolition, spurred on by Christian revival, had been sown for about a century, and it was beginning to take hold. The silent recognition that slavery must someday be eliminated affected the deliberations of both the Continental Congress and the Constitutional convention. They knew a wrong had to be righted, even if they didn’t have the strength to do so immediately. Unlike Hitler, who revived an ancient, but largely conquered vice–anti-Semitism–America’s founders were seeking greater liberty in an age that was fighting off feudal aristocracy. They were titan warriors of light in an age of darkness. George Washington, and many other very wealthy men, risked both their lives and their fortunes to defend freedoms they believed were granted to men by God. They endured deprivation, and loneliness, and enemy fire, when no one else was man enough to take the risk.
Take down their statues?
Go to hell. You are without mercy, and if you don’t repent, you’ll be measured by the very standard you claim to honor. It’s not going to be pretty.
Tags: Jackson, Jefferson, Statues, Tolerance, Vice, Virtue, WashingtonCategorised in: Farm Journal
This post was written by Jim Riley
Here here…a voice of reason in a world of lunacy.
I love, “ They were titan warriors of light in an age of darkness”. Reason what they did was so courageous is that they didn’t know they would win, and they fought anyway. I usually think of them in context of their victory, not remembering that they were in no way promised victory during the fight.
Very true. The victory was never guaranteed and, at times, looked nearly impossible.
I am an attorney who has been working on monument cases since 2018. To say that I have a deep concern as to how we move forward from here is an understatement. My belief is to expand the footprint of history and bring new public memorialization to tell a more complete view of our Nation’s history.
While the low hanging fruit has been the Confederacy, the colonial period and our founding generation are being more heavily criticized by those with an agenda. This is not about monuments, and memorials, their fight is for the Constitution, and it’s replacement. One who can distort history can certainly change the present. That is my deepest fear.
All of these things are coming to pass, and we must take a moral position to preserve our history and expand its footprint. within public spaces.There are so many worthy people and stories of which Americans should be aware,. This is true whether the stories are of the brave man and women who fought for equality, the Tuskegee Airmen, or the men of color who fought in Colonial Militias during the War for Independence to gain not only our Nation’s independence, but their freedom. It is upon their shoulders we are uplifted. Thus, it is our duty to collectively tell their stories while maintaining the current guardians of our past.
By failing to take this moment to teach our fellow Americans, the great expense history, we are doomed to relegate ourselves to self loathing and remorse for past we did not cause nor one that We would consider acceptable in the year 2024. However, those beacons of the past must come forward in history to shine a light upon all of us, so we may understand our humanity, our brilliance, and our deep connection to one another.
It’s difficult to process, but there really are folks out there who would infinitely prefer a ONE SOLUTION world, with no accommodation for dissent or discussion. A lawyer friend of mine expressed worry that a lot of the new kids in the profession have very little regard for the First Amendment, and as they work their way onto the bench, we could all be facing an even more bizarre array of “***information” (dis, mal, etc.) public safety campaigns. I was once at a loss for how people in the 1930s and 1940s actually defended the “great leader” version of fascism or communism, but I’m starting to get it now. “Give us a king to rule over us.”