Oh What a Beautiful Morning
37 CommentsDoing the Riley’s Farm Thing in Oklahoma
My brother, Scott Riley, is trying to organize a Riley’s Farm branch operation out there where the corn is as high as an elephant’s eye, where the waving wheat can sure smell sweet, where all the chicks and ducks and geese better scurry when we take you out in the surrey. He’s found a nice 70 acre spot with a huge farm house and four cottages. We’re also looking for legal beagles and financial types who can help organize this on the up & up. If you’re interested drop Scott Riley an email, and he’ll give you the details.
A few images from my latest farm walk..
Categorised in: News
This post was written by Jim Riley
Come to Tennessee! I just moved here from Murrieta and I miss all your wonderful events! No state income tax, red state, lots of freedom. And it’s so beautiful here. I’m sure you would do well here.
I hear you, we want to do TN as well, but this one is just too good to pass up 🙂 right now
Our family is in the Dallas/Fort Worth area and we sure would drive into OK for a Riley’s experience!
I’m a native of S. Calif (4 generations back), but the thought of traveling there these days…. well, let’s just say that Florida has been delightful to visit.
Thank you for be a voice of truth, common sense, and Godliness, Mr. Riley. May God bless the work of your hands.
Hi Elaine, its not too far from D/FW but I don’t want to post here so owners don’t get overrun 🙂 Call me if you would like to know more.
Where in Oklahoma? My daughter lives in Elk City. I’d like to know more. Thanks!
Hi Donna, call me, or email me scott@rileysfarm.com
Come to Tennessee! It’s a red state, no state income taxes, lots of freedom and so green and beautiful. I just moved here from Murrieta and I miss all your wonderful events. I think you’d do well here.
I think it would be great to have a Roles farm in Oklahoma!
Where in Ok? Moved here from CA 20 years ago and never looked back…would love to have you here nice conservative state things are affordable. Always visited Riley’s when visiting CA but always glad to leave CA…now wish the rest of my family would move my sister is getting ready to leave Temecula.
Hi Cindy,
Call me, I’d love to chat, Mandy can give you my number. Scott Riley (the better looking brother : )
Oklahoma is wonderful! It’s rapidly growing and is one of the most conservative states in the union. That would be super sweet!
I moved here to OK 2 1/2 years ago! We came every year for homeschool for 10 years…I miss Riley’s Farm sooo much. PLEASE COME HERE! I’ll help there if I’m able, and definitely have tons of friends in surrounding states that I’ll send your way.
Bless you! Thank you Kacy, please send me your #, info, etc, I will keep you posted scott@rileysfarm.com
Whoo Hoo! Moved to OK last March. Would love a Riley’s Farm here.
We just moved to DFW metroplex and would certainly drive to Oklahoma for a farm day. We are definitely missing our yearly tradition of apple picking and Sally Lund bread. Thank you for always being so hospitable to us Mr. Riley!
Is it in the area where they have had the large wildfires?
I would double check.
Just tornadoes : )
Omg please do an Oklahoma show!!!!
This is awesome! Where in Oklahoma? Near Tulsa?
Hi Sunny, send me your number and I can fill you in scott@rileysfarm.com.
I am from Dallas, Texas – living in LA and soon moving back to the home state. Will DEFINITELY visit the Oklahoma base!!! Glad to know a taste of Rileys will be within reach.
We can’t wait to visit from Dallas!
Thanks Carrie!!
Where in OK? My son is an Air Defense Colonel at Fort Sill OK and he LOVES your farm out here in CA. He is so excited to hear the possibility of you coming to OK – He will get the whole base to come for your events!!! They really love the fall and Halloween times!
Thanks Jamie! Send me your number and I will fill you scott@rileysfarm.com
Just tornadoes : )
Jim has always been the smartest, funniest, tallest, most adept, most insightful . . .I wanted to be better in something . . . but sadly my tech skills are even worse, so if I have messed up comments here, send me your contact info and I will call you, personally, if you are serious in wanting to help scott@rileysfarm.com 909 844 5590
Where in Oklahoma? I use to go to your farm in California when I lived there, but I am now in Oklahoma.
Hi Michelle, send me an email and I will give you all the details. Scott
Sadly, I’m not a legal or financial type, but I’d love to help in any other way. We’re originally from Murrieta, but we moved to Edmond almost six years ago and we absolutely love it! Oklahoma is a great place to live! The only down side is that our kids won’t leave CA, so we have to venture out there frequently to see them. We still do our annual apple picking together at Riley’s Farm every fall!
Thanks Niki! Send me an email and I will fill you in on the details. Thanks so much for your support over the years! We owe our survival to the kindness of folks like you! Scott
We’re in the DFW area so any expansion to an OK site would be appreciated.
Not too far from DFW, any family or friends that would want to help with mgt?
Why Oklahoma? We love you farm and all that you stand for. We still live here in California and go there all the time
Thanks Karen! We’re not going anywhere and can’t get any of the younger Riley’s to take it on so we’re reaching outside to see if any will accept adoption and help us ‘franchise’ 🙂