Fauci’s “Vaccine of the Month” Club..
16 CommentsHey, Remember when Dr. Fauci was estimating we would reach herd immunity when 70-85% of the population was vaccinated?
A new paper in a peer reviewed journal details an infection outbreak among a population that was 96% vaccinated. Oops.
Quoting Alex Berenson..
Dr. Fauci, the neurotic weirdo who wants a world without handshakes, simply can’t understand why some people may be hesitant about accepting a vaccine without any long-term adverse reaction studies. (I just took a shingles vaccine two years ago. I did my research. I’m not a blanket anti-vax type, but I have serious doubts about this one.)
When reasonably smart and credentialed people disagree, we have an expertise crisis, and when the CDC refuses to provide the vaccination status associated with their excess death data, it doesn’t inspire confidence. Public Health England recently admitted (Technical Briefing #20, August 2021) something that might give you a little pause: among people over 50 who died from Covid, 460 had some level of vaccination and 205 had NO vaccination. Two out of three Covid deaths in this category were vaccinated.
So if the death count, in the rough and tumble of the real world, is against those who are vaccinated, why are we being asked to lose our jobs, shutter our businesses, give up our civil liberties to embrace a cure that doesn’t seem to work?
Tags: Covid, Fauci, Herd Immunity, vaccines
Categorised in: News
This post was written by Jim Riley
You bring up many good points Sir. Excited to visit your farm. God bless.
I appreciate your candor and wish more people looked at the evidence and questioned more when the answers are not straightforward or are constantly wavering.
Sharing this disinformation is extremely harmful. The data shows these vaccines do work, but you choose to believe otherwise. We’ve loved having family gatherings at your farm over the years, but seeing how selfish you are by putting people at risk and spreading false information is unacceptable. Our family will be taking our business elsewhere from here on out.
So only follow the science if it agrees with you? Quoting the paper: “..It challenges the assumption that high universal vaccination rates will lead to herd immunity and prevent COVID-19 outbreaks. This was probably true for the wild-type SARS-CoV-2 virus, but in the outbreak described here, 96.2% of the exposed population was vaccinated..”
As to all those “family gatherings” you claim to have had here “over the years,” I just checked your email against our 20 year reservation database. You don’t seem to be in there. I guess we’ll have to make do without all that business of yours that was never there in the first place.
Jim, I enjoyed bringing my 5th Grade students to your farm for many years since 2000. I am retired now and Homeschooling my three children now and we look forward to visiting on Thursday October 7, 2021 and are excited that “Lydia” has chosen not to visit. See you soon, Laszlo.
Thank you! “Lydia” was never a guest in the first place. These people are _so_ predictable.
We look forward to visiting your farm with our kids. We appreciate your thoughts. Thank you. May God continue to bless you.
Jim, we love your attitude!! And we’ll be seeing you this afternoon. Glad to hear Lydia won’t be there. God bless!
Thank you!
Wow! You know your stuff. Amazing job taking segments from journals to support your bias narrative and fuel the pandemic. Won’t be coming here!
Nice to hear. The farm is much more pleasant without high maintenance neurotics fumbling around.
I love that you say what you believe and not worried about it effecting your business. We will be coming to your farm. I was deciding which one to go to and after reading this I choose yours
Thank you!
Thank you for speaking truth and for being a true patriot. We are coming to your farm for the first time next week for the sleepy hallow dinner show… can’t wait
The study Mr. Riley linked above indicates that this outbreak (in Israel) occurred in vaccinated and masked (possibility of less than universal proper use is acknowledged) 5 months out from 2nd dose., and concludes:
“This nosocomial outbreak exemplifies the high transmissibility of the SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant among twice vaccinated and masked individuals. This suggests some waning of immunity, albeit still providing protection for individuals without comorbidities. However, a third vaccine dose may be needed, particularly in individuals with risk factors for severe COVID-19. Appropriate use of masks, especially in high-risk settings is advised.”
Thank you for speaking out with the truth.
I’m not vaccinated and never will be. It’s still the choice of the people. I met a retired Navy Seal at the store. After a long conversation, he said may I hug you. You bet, the best gift you can receive, a good HUG. Fauci is past his time, a liar and loves seeing himself on television. He has contributed to harming our Society. Thanks Sam for what you are doing. Loved your blog on growing up. We need more of that today instead of computers and TV. Coming to the farm for apples as soon as I can.